[[lazarus] Help! Beginner cvs or compiling WOES]

Chris Bordeman chrisbordeman at netscape.net
Sun Aug 8 02:24:03 EDT 1999

Thanks Michael, but I meant to put 'rtl' in my listing it is actually there. 
But, looking at the make output again:

$ new_ppc
make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/fpc/compiler'
rm -f ppc386
rm -f *.o *.ppu *.s *.a *.so *.ppl
rm -rf *.sl
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/fpc/compiler'
make -C ../rtl/Free Pascal Compiler version 0.99.5  lf> This program comes
under the GNU General Public Licence For more information read COPYING  lf>
Report bugs,suggestions etc to:                
klaempfl at haegar.cip.mw.tu-muenchen.de libsclean
make: *** ../rtl/Free: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** [cycle] Error 2
mv: *.ppu: No such file or directory
cp: compiler/ppc386: No such file or directory

On the "make -C ../rtl/Free Pascal..." line, the output of 'ppc386' is being
concatenated onto the command line to be executed, maybe because it was called
incorrectly.  I know very little about make, so I don't really know how this
is happening.

I have been meaning to learn make in depth.  Does anybody know of a good

Semper Fidelis,

Christopher Micheal Bordeman

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