[lazarus] Components/Code needed

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Wed Aug 11 13:49:39 EDT 1999

On 11-Aug-99 Shane Miller wrote:
> TScrollBar :  Cliff said he was going to work on this but I'm not sure if he
> did start or not.
> I need to be able to send it a number (say 100) so itscrolls for 100 ticks or
> something similiar.  
> Also, I need to be able to read it's position, set an onchange event handler
> along with all the normal behavior.

I could help with this, but I will let someone else work on it so I can do the
clipboard class (see below). It would be nice if we can get some of you new
people helping with all this. It is easier than it looks :-)

> TRegistry:  Not usre how we want to handle this.  I'm not sure if Linux has
> some registry compatable system.

This is just my opinion, but I want to open this to discussion. I think we
should implement TRegistry in some better way than the Windows way, on Linux.
I personally think the Registry was one of the biggest blunders I have seen M$
do in quite a while. In the Windows implementation, it needs to work with the
real registry, but I don't think we should copy that same blunder in Linux. I
would suggest implementing it as Conf files or something like that. As long as
the Interace is the same, it doesn't necessarily have to work the same.

> ClipBoard:  I need someone to write a class that will allow me to
> CuttoClipboard, PasteFromClipboard CopyToClipBoard and such.  Same as Delphi.

I have already committed to do this one. I will work on it today and tomorrow
before I leave to go camping for the weekend. I already know how to do it, so
it shouldn't be all that difficult for me to create the class.

> Please let me know if you (SOMEONE NEW) would like to work on one of these
> items.  Cliff, Michael, Curtic, Worm, Peter and I will help you, so don't be
> worried about not knowing GTK or anything like that.

Well, I'm not new, but I will get the clipboard working for ya.


Curtis White
Curtis White <osiriz at teleport.com>

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