TImagelist Was:Re: RE: [lazarus] NEW WEB pages with the link

Marc Weustink weus at quicknet.nl
Thu Aug 12 18:53:09 EDT 1999

At 18:25 12-08-99 -0400, P Jean dit Bailleul <jdb at abacom.com> wrote:
>At 22:34 12/08/99 +0200, I wrote:
>>The delphi imagelist is merely based upon the Windows native imagelist. It
>>sends just a lot of messages. So I could implement an imagelist based on
>>this, but then I have to implement an imagelist for every library which
>>does not support an imagelist (as far as I can see GTK has no imagelist)
>>I could also implement an imagelist myself based upon a TList end bitmaps
>>then the imagelist is platform independent, but how to interface with other
>>any ideas
>Just a suggestion :
>use a big Bitmap (of size n * Width x Height) to put every bitmaps, then
>add a GetItem(index:Integer; aBitmap:TBitmap) method that set the size a
>Bitmap and copy the corresponding area (from (index - 1) * Width x 0 to
>index * Width x Height). I think that's the way it is implemented in the
>Win DLL.
>When a component have to refer to the TImageList, it just call the GetItem
>method during the onshow.

Something like that. I just saw a possible problem in interfacing with a
tree/listview. How will these be implemented. ??

>I know that to do so i have to finish the TBitmap, but a can't make that
>GDK stuff to work :-(

I'll just start.


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