[lazarus] Need a little Win32 Help

Cliff Baeseman vbman at pcpros.net
Fri Jul 2 00:01:42 EDT 1999

Ok I got a object called a gui engine that can build a win32 form and
display it calling just 3 lines of code.

Now I plan on going after the GTK and XLIB versions on the linux box.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Baeseman <vbman at pcpros.net>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Need a little Win32 Help

> I am working that end now also in a few minutes you are slightly ahead of
>me on the Windoze platform. I am going to try and build gtk in a minute..
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeffrey A. Wormsley <daworm at cdc.net>
>To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
>Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 6:01 PM
>Subject: [lazarus] Need a little Win32 Help
>>For anyone who'e made a succesful compile from Win32, could you help me
>>past a stumbling block?
>>I -think- I have the programs I need now.  I got make, rm, cp, asw, etc.
>>from the FPC 12 full install.  Now I can't seem to rebuild the much of
>>anything.  I try to rebuild the compiler and get the following...
>>make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `e:/opt/fpc/rtl/win32'
>>c:/windows/command/make.exe -C ../rtl/win32 'PP=/ppc1.exe' 'OPT= ' all
>>make.exe[3]: Entering directory `e:/opt/fpc/rtl/win32'
>>asw -o wprt0.ow wprt0.as
>>asw -o wdllprt0.ow wdllprt0.as
>>/ppc1.exe -Twin32 -b-  -Fu../win32 -Fu. -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -FE.  -di386
>>-Us -S
>>g syswin32.pp
>>make.exe[3]: *** [syswin32.ppw] Error -1
>>make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `e:/opt/fpc/rtl/win32'
>>make.exe[2]: *** [next] Error 2
>>make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `e:/opt/fpc/compiler'
>>make.exe[1]: *** [ppc2.exe] Error 2
>>make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `e:/opt/fpc/compiler'
>>make.exe: *** [cycle] Error 2
>><<and a few others from my batch file where I copy everything to where it
>>needs to go, see linux HowTo>
>>I try to make the fcl and get
>>[WINDOZE] E:\opt\fpc\fcl>make
>>c:/windows/command/make.exe -C  all
>>make.exe: *** all: No such file or directory (ENOENT).  Stop.
>>make.exe: *** [all] Error 2
>>For Gtk I get ...
>>[WINDOZE] E:\opt\fpc\gtk>make
>>ppc386.exe -T   -Fue:\opt\fpc/rtl/ -Fue:\opt\fpc/units/ -FE.  -d
>>make.exe: *** [glib.ppu] Error -1
>>And for lazarus I get...
>>[WINDOZE] E:\opt\fpc\lazarus>make
>>ppc386.exe -T   -Fue:\opt\fpc/rtl/ -Fue:\opt\fpc/units/ -Fu../fcl/
>> -Fu../rtl/linux -Fu../rtl/objpas -Fu../gtk -Fu../gtk/gtk -Fu../gtk/glib
>>tk/gdk -FE.  -d lazarus.pp
>>make.exe: *** [lazarus.exe] Error -1
>>Any help out there?
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