[lazarus] Brand New Win32 Developer Quick Start Install and "Web Site Updates"

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Fri Jul 16 08:06:57 EDT 1999

Claude DEVISE wrote:
> I've just dowloaded this kit, it's a great idea (I never could compile
> before, and I see it for the first time. It really installed in 20
> seconds...). It will put Lazarus on the wheels.

I am putting together an actual installation of this download kit. I
should have it available later today. It will be a regular Windows
installation and it will allow you to install the package in whatever
directory you wish.
> If I can help, I would sent bug reports to you. (to whom ?);

To this list.
> What about designing forms & components on it (a la Delphi ?) Is it
> planned ?

Further down the road. You know the walk before you run saying. Well we
are still at the trying to roll over stage.  :-)

> It would be a good idea to prepare such a release, periodiccally say
> every week, with stable options.

Once I have this installation script setup it will be a simple matter to
create new install every week. We'll consider it.  :-)
> Altough it's a great deal to compete with Delphi, I'm sure you're on
> the right way.

Actually I look at it the other way. Delphi is competing with US. :-)

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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