[lazarus] Source Code Procedures

Cliff Baeseman vbman at pcpros.net
Sat Jul 17 20:13:29 EDT 1999

That may be a good idea. It would make documentation
easier in the long run..

I will be going thru all the code today and tomorrow cleaning and

Forms is done...

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Hille <stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Source Code Procedures

>On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 11:29:53PM -0500, Cliff Baeseman wrote:
>> Gents
>>    Do you mind if I put in procedure seperators like I did in the
>> unit?
>> I always comment and put in procedure seperators like this...
>> {-------------------------------------------------------------------}
>> {TMyType.MyMethod    "comments"                        }
>> {-------------------------------------------------------------------}
>> Procedure TMyType.MyMethod;
>> begin
>> end;
>> Is anyone opposed to this style? I think it makes it easy to read the
>> in a black and white editor.
>It's OK, but we should consider if we also wanna put some kind of
>formalized documentation into these comments. I'm not absolutely sure if
>this is a good idea in general, but in the current state (where nobody
>wants's to maintain a separate documentations file) it could be helpful.
>In the long run we can extract those comments again with a simple parser
>and convert it to latex or something else.
> {-------------------------------------------------------------------}
> {@@func TMyType.MyMethod                            }
> {                                                   }
> { This function is useless.                         }
> {                                                   }
> { @@parms   owner: the owner of ...                 }
> {           i:     not used by now                  }
> {                                                   }
> { @@returns  NIL                                    }
> {-------------------------------------------------------------------}
> function TMyType.MyMethod (var owner : TComponent; i : integer) : pointer;
> begin
>    result := NIL;
> end.
>  Stefan
>Stefan Hille          email: stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org
>48155 Muenster       voice: 0251/664695
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