[RE: [Re: [lazarus] How are we going to store component data?]]

Jeffrey A. Wormsley daworm at cdc.net
Wed Jul 21 18:00:31 EDT 1999

>We don't have a resource area in FPC apps (except for apps built for
>Windows). So how do we get the IDE-RAD built file and the code talking.

I wouldn't mind seeing it as pure source, so that when you run a compile,
those inlude files would then be available for viewing directly, instead of
like in Delphi where you have to convert them or use the view option.  The
implementation could be included much as Delphi's System unit, which is
where all of the magic things happen for Delphi.  Execpt here, the System
unit would be modified (via include files) to link in the correct code for
the forms and controls as it is compiled.  

However, and I may be changing ideas mid-stream, an intermediate XML layer
could do this as well, though, at the expense of the time it takes for the
translation process.  As long as after a compile, I can easily see what
extra code has been placed into my executable.  And this will also make
debugging the IDE so much easier, because we will see the whole interaction
between user source and IDE source.

One other note.  How will the debugger handle source code in include files?


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