[lazarus] Component page revisited.

Ronan van Riet ronan at cybertech.demon.nl
Fri Jul 23 04:40:32 EDT 1999


There are ways of disallowing crawlers on your site by simple adding a
Has anyone had any experience with this?

Ronan van Riet

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Campbell <bcampbel at omen.net.au>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 6:44
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Component page revisited.

>>Maybe it would be a good idea to provide the e-mail address of each
>>'owner', so someone who wishes to ask something about a component, or
>>whishes to help with the implementation of a component, has a mail address
>>to mail to.
>>Making the names a clickable 'mailto' link would be absolutely fabulous...
>I have one problem with this..
>I have found from experience that web spiders will suck your e-mail from
>mailto: and put you onto spam mail lists...
>I had to remove the mailto from my web page for this very reason...
>Within weeks.. my volume of spam dropped by up to 90%..
>My .02c worth

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