[lazarus] Zip file

Michael Wood wood at kingsley.co.za
Thu Jul 29 03:04:55 EDT 1999

Try putting the hostname in your c:\windows\hosts file (or
c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts for NT)

Note: This is NOT the hosts.sam file.  The name is "hosts" without any
extension.  The hosts.sam file is a sample hosts file.

The format is:
<ip address> <hostname>

e.g.    tflily.fys.kuleuven.ac.be

-----Original Message-----
From: Pascal Dutilleul <pduti at yahoo.com>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: 29 July 1999 11:04
Subject: [lazarus] Zip file

>Would someone be so kind to update the Zip file ?
>I can't get CVS working from my office, I always get the message 'host
>not found' (I'm sure it is somewhere a configuration error of Win95
>networking :( )

Michael Wood        | Tel: +27 21 762 0276 | http://www.kingsley.co.za/
wood at kingsley.co.za | Fax: +27 21 761 9930 | Kingsley Technologies

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