[lazarus] create

Cliff Baeseman vbman at pcpros.net
Tue May 18 21:28:40 EDT 1999

Ok sounds like a good plan of attack to me.


"Michael A. Hess" wrote:

> Sergio A. Kessler wrote:
> >
> > Cliff, in open source proyects centralizing things is a bad idea...
> I have to agree with Sergio on this one. At least as far as the future
> goes. To use Delphi as an example, I have created a host of new and
> useful components and controls but have never had to edit any of the
> Delphi VCL to do it. We want the same functionality in the FCL. That is
> one reason why I am working on moving the gtk OUT of the lower class
> structures. This allows users to not only create new components and
> controls without touching the basic FCL but it allows them to use a
> totally different GUI API to do so. Maybe QT has a built in widget that
> they want to create a FCL control of. It would mean compiling with the
> GUIAPI.pp designed for QT and create and new class without the need to
> edit any of the lower classes in the FCL.
> Now we go back to the discussion of "Is it time to worry about this
> yet". I say no. It is something we want to keep in mind and plan on
> going back and doing but right now we need a working IDE. Once we have A
> BETTER environment to work in then I say we stop go back and smooth out
> all the rough edges in our hasty design and build of the IDE.
> Just to show you what I am working on as far as moving the gtk callback
> out of the classes. This is how it will work, I'll use DoShow as an
> example.
> You create a message procedure in your class.
> procedure DoShow(var something, Self : TCustomForm);message 'show';
> Then you write the procedure:
> procedure DoShow(var something, Self : TCustomForm);
> begin
>    if Assigned(FOnShow) then FOnShow(Self);
> end;
> In the create for the class you write:
> constructor TCustomForm.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
> begin
> .
> .  Everything else you do need in create
> .
> .
> {Then you do this for the callback attachment}
>    GUIAPI_Set_Callback('show', Self);
> end;
> You will only need the procedure with message 'signal', the procedure
> itself and the GUIAPI call. This will allow you to use any GUIAPI to
> deal with the actual callback. It removes gtk dependence.
> The only snag I have in this whole thing is that the DispatchStr method
> in TObject doesn't seem to be working correctly and I am just waiting
> and hoping one of the FPC gods/gurus/omnipotent beings can figure out
> what the problem is.   :-)
> --
> ==== Programming my first best destiny! ====
> Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
> mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com
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