[lazarus] DDD Graphical Debugger

Peter Vreman pfv at cooldown.demon.nl
Wed Oct 6 10:41:57 EDT 1999

>   Has anyone tried this thing yet.?  I have managed to compile a small
> program for testing with debug turned on and can set code break points based
> on line numbers. This works ok but I cannot get it to load a pp source file
> or the ability to put a watch on something.  Man I could really get serious
> with some code if I had a tool like it to debug the lazarus libs. They do
> mention something on the DDD site about setting up something in GDB to make
> the source show something like a search path.
> Just getting back in the groove.
GDB commandos:

Watch: print (only once) / display
Searchdirs: dir
Showfiles: list

But i like rhgdb more to debug on a normal console after seting the
DISPLAY string to the correct X server

It should get time that we get our own gui debugger working with pascal
support (there are already working patches for gdb 4.18)


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