[lazarus] CVS Updated

Hongli Lai hongli at telekabel.nl
Wed Aug 9 17:35:26 EDT 2000

Op Wed, 09 Aug 2000, schreef Shane Miller:
> I added the Search-Find feature in IDE.  Of course it doesn't work
> perfectly yet.
> I am having trouble setting the selected text in the editor.  It NEVER
> highlights the correct text.   I used the windows version of mwCustomEdit
> to see how I was supposed to do it and I couldn't get it to work there
> either!
> I will look at it tomorrow.  Maybe it's a bug in the version of the editor
> we are trying to use....

This is a known bug in mwEdit.
You can't select text using SetSelStart and SetSelEnd.
Use CaretX and CaretY instead.
For example
mwEdit1.CaretX := 0;
mwEdit1.CaretY := 1;
will set the cursor at the first character of the 2nd line.

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