[lazarus] Problems that need to be looked at:

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Mon Feb 21 16:52:47 EST 2000

1)  I create some code for Project...New menu selection.  It creates the default code for Project.fpr and Units1.pp and calls IDEEditor.AddPage passing the title of the new tab, and the source code.
IDEEditor creates a notebook page and set's mwEdit's LINES property to the source (TStringList) I send in.  I do this by calling the ASSIGN method of mwEdit.Lines (e.g. mwedit.lines.assign(source))
When I do this I get funky results.  It seems that mwedit isn't updating the scrollbars or something because I can't view the lines in the mwedit component.  I can view one line at a time but they only appear on the first line.

Can someone look at that....

2)  I created a dialog called viewunit_dlg that displays all the units in the project.  To try it, run lazarus, select Project - New.  A new dialog appears (where the code should be).  You can close that dialog.  Now select View - Units... and a new dialog appears with Project1 and Units1 in it.  The problem is that when you close this dialog (which should close when you press OK or Cancel but it doesn't) it destroy's the controls on the dialog instead of simply hiding them.  When you try to bring it back up, it crashes....


>>> mbukovjan at netscape.net 02/20/00 02:54PM >>>

I just updated CVS.

- The alignment looks like it working now (not heavily tested).
- Did some bug fixes (and added some)

BTW, the mwEdit in IDE editor started to behave somewhat funny. I'm not sure
what trigerred this, could someone look into that? The other on the TestForm
look OK, though.

Michal Bukovjan

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