[lazarus] Object Inspector

Michael A. Hess mhess at miraclec.com
Fri Nov 17 02:06:31 EST 2000

Stefan Hille wrote:
> - About a year ago their was some discussion about an already existing
>   form-designer which could fit into lazarus. I don't know if it also
>   contains an obectinspector but it could be worth a look. If I
>   remember it right, the author is Samuel Liddicott
>   (<sam at campbellsci.co.uk>). Don't know if he's still reading this
>   list.

I'm not sure what happened to Sam. At one point he announced that he was
moving and would be leaving the list but would return in a few weeks. He
has never come back.

The Form Designer he had written was FEdit. There is a link to the
source on the ftp site.


At the time he indicated that he had permission for us to use the code
and he had a signed document giving us the rights to the code. However
he never passed that document on to any of us and he hasn't come back to
the list so I am not sure if we can use it or not. That isn't to say we
could get some ideas from the code we just couldn't use the code out

The other possiblity is to build on Handel. I believe that when some
others looked at the possibility of using it that it was too linked to
the Windows API to use directly. Again however it is open source and can
be used in whole or part as we see fit. The demo version of Handel is on
the site.


as well as the source for the tool.


For those not familiar with Handel this is a replica of the complete
Delphi 3 IDE written using Delphi 3.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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