[lazarus] Yahooooo, I found it!!

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Fri Apr 13 16:14:35 EDT 2001

At 17:46 13.04.01 +0200, you wrote:
>Congratulations Michael!
>On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 09:55:44AM -0400, Michael A. Hess wrote:
> > Actually it was a very simple mistake of using the wrong 2 variables.
> > StretchBlt was using the destination pixmaps height and width for doing
> > the copy instead of the source height and width. When the source pixmap
> > was smaller then the speedbutton pixmap who knows what it was trying to
> > copy and to where. That is why I am surpised that Linux didn't have a
> > problem with it. There was also a problem with the size of the source
> > glyph rect used when only one glyph existed but that wasn't as much of a
> > problem.
>Think I ran into that problem when I made the ShowMessage-functions. There
>was something wrong with the drawing of pixmaps in Linux but I decided to
>use a workaround.
>BTW: WHich debugger are you using on Linux? I'm not satisfied with ddd
>      because it sometimes locks up my system. There's a nice debugger from
>      the gtkAda project but that one lacks pascal support and I can't
>      compile it to introduce the missing module

Maybe you should start thinking about integrating a debugger in lazarus?

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