[lazarus] TProcess

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Dec 12 14:57:30 EST 2001

> On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:03:32 +0100 (CET)
> marcov at stack.nl (Marco van de Voort) wrote:
> > 
> > I'm trying to compile Lazarus on FreeBSD using 1.0.5 (of today), and am having
> > troubles:
> > 
> > - osdirseparator doesn't exist, but its purpose can be easily guessed.
> Strange. This is used in lazarus for a long time and it is defined in sysutils for every OS.

Seems to be replaced by "Pathdelim"

> > - TProcess is used in two ways, while it has only one constructor, and 
> >    TProcess is only defined in the fcl process function?
> >    One is   <var>:=TProcess.Create(NIL) (Arg probably TComponent according
> >    to the fcl?) and the other is TProcess.Create(<filename>,[flag1,flag2]);
> > 
> > What is going on here? I first thought Lazarus was simply out of sync with
> > 1.0.5 as it is now, but the sources seem to use two different definitions
> > of Create()?
> The TProcess.Create(nil) belongs to the new TProcess which is a TComponent.
> Lazarus will switch to the new TProcess, as soon as we got a new fpc rpm.
> Marc's TGDBDebugger is already using the new TProcess, and therefore can't be compiled.
> AFAIK Marc is working on the gdb support.

Is there any way to build Lazarus now? E.g. without deugger?

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