[lazarus] Lazarus with recent 1.0.5 snapshots + FreeBSD

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Fri Dec 14 10:11:38 EST 2001

+ From: Marco van de Voort [mailto:marcov at Stack.nl]
+ General changes for 1.0.5:
+ - OsDirSeparator added in 2 or 3 modules
+ - TProcess "change" (from TProcess.Create(string, options) to
+ 	TProcess.Create(owner:TComponent) )
+ - TPoint and TRect commenting in FPC's process.pp routine

In a separate testbranch these are solved (OsDirSeparator replaced by
As soon as we have an 'accepted' 1.0.5 those fixes will be committed.

+ - Three "overrides" added in gtkwinapih.inc lines 83 and 111,
+   (  + one I can't directly remember)
+ - Make sure I cleaned by hand now and then. The main Lazarus
+    dir, designer/ debugger/ and lcl/units aren't cleaned by
+    the toplevel "make clean"

hmm..... AFAIK all dirs where files are created by make, they are cleaned.
Are you sure there weren't some files left from a manual (non make) build ?

+ General changes for 1.1
+ - A lot of {$ifdef Linux} clauses which will fail on non
+   linux *nix systems
+   But it's best to wait until until 1.0.6 is released for that.

it is already noticed that a lot of the Linux code moved to Unix. We have to
change that some time.

+ - rest untested.
+ FreeBSD specific things:
+ - Change {$linklib <x>} directives for <x>=glib,gdk and gtk
+   to glib12, gdk12 and gtk12

? where ?

+ - Make sure /usr/local/lib is searched. (which is where all
+   non base libs are)

YM for building Lazarus or using Lazarus ?

+ After that everything seems to work fine directly in X, but
+ remote X was not really workable.

Slow ?


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