[lazarus] TImage

FoodTechnologist Vasily.Volchenko at mstu.edu.ru
Mon Mar 12 03:09:16 EST 2001

> I think, documentation can be found. Or we can simply use the
> gdk_pixmap_create_from_data
> function.

I don't think that it is needed. *.xpm structure is quite simple, but...
It is not efficient for 16-24bpp.
I tried to make the translation procedures (from bmp to xpm). But as for 4 bpp,

the translation sometimes spoil colors and now make image upside down.
8bpp seems to be simple enough (but I haven't made it yet), but 16-24 bpp seems
to be
too difficult. I tried to list all 256^3 colors (I don't know what is the
to have a pallete at all), but it is not suitable. So, we must find all colors
in image,
make temporary array of color and pseudoname of it (so much memory) and then
write xpm.
 http://www.ussr.to/All/fd2lcl/timage.zip contain that what I've made. It uses
my old code (as your code is not testable). It is usable for this lcl. Now
16bpp support is added.
Besides, I've found a bug in your code: ReadSize for Bits is compared with
InfoSize -
the size of Info (line 214 of bitmap.inc of 07.03.01). It must be compared with

> TPicture needs conversion routines anyway.
> Lazarus projects should be compilable anywhere. Form data is streamed to
> the lfm file and should be readable on any system. To get graphic
> acceleration we must use the interface dependent format. So, I think, we
> have to read whatever format is contained in the stream and convert it to
> an image handle.
> AFAIK bitmap and xpm are fully convertable formats, hence we don't need to
> store the data in the lcl. Of course there are other formats which loose
> information during conversion, thus these formats must be saved in memory.
> > The problem is (status on 7.03.01) that TPicture isn't usefull. Besides,
> > somebody added
> > fmFileDenyWrite in graphic.inc
> Just comment this out.

Course, I done it before send email. But it can frighten somebody.

> > Where is TImage component? It must be in extctrls.
> I'm very busy with the IDE and I think TBitmap/TPixmap should be "finished"
> before TImage, so I did not add it.

By the way, bitmap and pixmap are not compartible if there are 16-24bpp.
bitmap in that case contain no pallete. Pixmap do.

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