[lazarus] Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Nov 20 18:10:16 EST 2001

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 20:40:01 +0100
"Ronan van Riet" <ronan at obiz.demon.nl> wrote:

> Do these bugs fixed / updates apply to Lazarus on Win32 / Linux / ?? or are
> they OS independant?

Thx to fpc, Lazarus has only a few hundred lines of OS dependent code (mostly the debugger) and less than 10% is widget dependent code. 

> These are compiled daily, right? Would it be useful to increment the Lazarus
> version in the Lazarus main menu each time a (set of) code update(s) has
> been applied?

Hmm. I think, we could increase the third version number every 20th or 50th cvs update.

> Keep up the good work!!

And I will keep requesting for new developers.
Ok, 12MB bad documented code is a mess. But you can simply help, with a new component or just adding some missing features to existing ones. It would also help, if we got more examples.


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