[lazarus] Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Jan 3 19:31:45 EST 2002

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 02:13:26 +0100
stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org wrote:

>   Saving a new unit/form with a name other than unit1 will not always change 
>   the 
>      {$I unit1.lrs} 
>   line in the initialization section
> Here's what I found out:
>   a) It works only if the path where the project is located is also in 
>      the include path (Run->Compiler-Options->Search-Path->Include-Path)
>      -> This should be documented or (better) the project path should
>         always be appended to the include-path 

You should see what Delphi/Kylix can/will do with such things ... :)
Ok, forget Delphi and include files. 
Lazarus will eventually fully support include files and the idea raised many months ago, that the IDE should be able to keep resource and backup files in sub dirs, so that lazarus project dirs will not contain that many files as a Delphi project. But these features are not yet fully implemented.
The IDE have to check smartly the compiler options and tell the values to the codetools.
On the other hand, saving a project unit outside the unit search path, should create a dialog to ask the user whether altering the search path.
Since I'm busy, I don't know when I will add it. I think, these are not very difficult features, so anyone can add them.

> > I did not fix your bug report:
> > "  - The lfm/lrs are not always written to disk although changes were made"
> That one was from Marc. You already described the problem with multi-level
> undo&redo and I know this is difficult. As a workaround we could always
> save the lfm to a temporary file and compare it with the original (ok, not
> nice but i should work).

I think, that this is the only proper way. Ok, not lfm files, but binary object memory streams. Delphi does it the same. The only drawback are big streams like images which could be very slow. But that can be solved.

good night,

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