[lazarus] No widget interface object error (Win32)

Keith Bowes keith_bowes at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 11 06:20:58 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: <luizamericoufba at zipmail.com.br>
To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 9:54 PM
Subject: [lazarus] No widget interface object error (Win32)

> After some search in mailing list and in Lazarus homepage,
> i compiled Lazarus with success under win32, but when i run
> the executable i get the following error message:
>   ERROR: no widget interface object. Did u compile an abstract LCL?
> An unhandled exception occurred at 0x0052B2E9 :
> No widget interface object. Did u compile an abstract LCL?
>   0x0052B2E9  TAPPLICATION__INITIALIZE,  line 177 of
> forms.pp - finalization section

I haven't worked on the win32 interface in a while (because I got frustrated
with tool bars and with using a non-release version of FPC), but I updated
my source and the only problem was a typo in the Win32-specific part of the
code tools.  I've fixed the typo and have committed the file.  The
compilation now goes fairly smoothely, considering you have to type 'make'
three times.  After compilation, the lazarus.exe runs as well (or badly,
depending on your point of view) as ever.

My advice is to type the following:
make clean

If that doesn't work, I don't know what the problem is.

> I've already defined LCL_PLATFORM=win32 in makefile.
> Is it necessary do more something to define the LCL_Platform?

On Windows, win32 is the default LCL_PLATFORM (case sensitive).


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