[lazarus] Just another bug

Vasily I. Volchenko Vasily.Volchenko at mstu.edu.ru
Mon Nov 4 09:54:17 EST 2002

> > I have fpc-1.0.7 (from lazarus site) compiler and fcl, but not rtl and
> > packages.
> Why that?

I have (as University teacher) only 30 M of internet, so downloading without
need is not possible. Mail-loading doesn't work sometimes. rtl is big
enough. I'll subscribe it by email, but it may have no result. And I need to
write it to diskettes to use on my home (without telephone) PC (without

> > The error happens in multi-form program almost always. Main form works
> > fine, but when creating another form (Application.CreateForm),
> > debugger sends me to streaming include of classes.pp (somewhat reading
> > properties, proptype, as I remember, and there are a lot of ^s there.
> > The error is Access violation.
> Sounds like the old streaming bug in the fcl. When it happens next time,
> plz send the lfm and lrs file of the form with the error. And also the
> gdb backtrace.

Ok, I'll send this tomorrow.

> > In text dump the error message says that property CAPTION, TOP, LEFT
> > etc can't be loaded. After that we have the form without initialized
> > components.
> >
> > You may test this error downloading my source
> > http://www.ussr.to/Russia/vvi/Lclcmd.zip , then open it in Lazarus,
> > change some non-main forms (especially SetsForm). I mean changing
> > sizes, moving components. After that the error may occure (but may
> > not, probability is about 70 %).
> I did a few tests, but nothing happens.

May be... The error may disappear when changing (=mixing) fcl, but it always
appears after a little changes done.
Besides, error appears only when calling these dialogs (menu, down buttons
F3-F4, or F3-F4). Main form works fine.

> BTW, TListView supports multiselection.

Does it mean that current version of lazarus have TListItem.Selected
property, but not dummy? Last time I watched it called a dummy method.

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