[lazarus] TLGrid: A Grid component for lazarus

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Fri Nov 15 01:07:29 EST 2002

> I noticed when I hit the resources button the first time that the editor
> appeared on the form, below the grid (actually beyond the size of the
> window - I didn't notice until I resized the window.)

I resized the window so debugging is easier and forgot the resources button
and the checkbox, that was an early test

> Later I started
> editing a cell and then scrolled the grid and the edit control stayed
> put while the grid moved behind it.
> Perhaps looking for a lostfocus event on the edit box and then save and
> close it?

:) I tested the editor only with [F2] -> Edit -> [Enter] or [ESC] or
[arrows]. I will add code for lostfocus, thanks.

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