[lazarus] Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Oct 4 10:29:46 EDT 2002

Hi all,

- added Move Page left/right to the popup menu of the source editor
- Fixed the empty lines bug in the lazarus XMLs and accelerated them.
  Added Clear and DeletePath to the lazarus TXMLConfig
- Fixed frozen selection in designer on resizing
- Fixed changing grabber cursor when resizing
- SendCachedLCLMessages is now a base function of TInterfaceBase
  This method is useful for realtime wysiwyg.
- new properties for TComboBox: OnDropDown, OnCloseUp, ItemWidth, OnDrawItem
- fixed jumping history
- fixed designer crash, when deleting a component that is edited in the OI
- fixed crash on IDE error at startup
- added TListBox.OnDrawItem event
- TListBox can now live without handles (important for streaming/creation)
- reduced recreating handles


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