[lazarus] GTK+ Theme colors

Michal Bukovjan bukovjan at mbox.dkm.cz
Mon Sep 16 16:26:05 EDT 2002

Andrew Johnson wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 23:49:00 -0500
> "Tony Maro" <TonyM at nlisc.com> wrote:
>> I want my new control to use the local GTK+ theme when it displays.  
>> I tried defining colors for drawing objects using things like 
>> clWindow and cl3dlight but it gives me standard Windows colors with 
>> that.
>> How can I make my new control use the GTK theme colors of whatever 
>> system the app is run on?
> Just FYI, I have almost got the basics working theme dependantly,  
> clBtnFont, clBtnface, clBtnShadow, clBtnHighlight, and clGrayText work 
> for Brush's. Unfortunately I Have not figured out how to make Pen's 
> work this way yet, because Pixmaps are ignored by Pen Styles. But If I 
> can get some more of the other commonly used colors working, you 
> should be able to get at least FillRect etc.. to match by using these 
> SysColors. I will also be trying the same with background color and 
> Text Color, so that Fonts and Form Backgrounds will also work this way 
> whenever possible. As soon as I get the bugs worked out, I will be 
> sending in a small patch with these changes, hopefully by wed. which 
> will enabled you to make at least some of your component work properly 
> without having to enable the newsyscolors flag.
> Andrew
Sounds great!

FYI, it should be possible to support pixmap themes as well (somehow), 
as TForm, TButton and others have Bitmap properties in Kylix...


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