[lazarus] lpi writing does not correctly works...

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Sep 30 07:51:05 EDT 2002

On 27 Sep 2002 14:38:00 -0500
Tony Maro <tonym at nlisc.com> wrote:

> This has been sort of covered in a conversation titled "Corrupted LPI"
> the last couple of days.
> The basic answer is yes, everyone agrees the lpi / project file storage
> structure needs fixed.
> However the crashes may not be what you think.  I found on mine that the
> last few lines of the file were actually corrupted and had CR/LF
> missing.  I was able to correct that using VI and my project opened
> again.

I found a bug, where a line end was not added. But I doubt that this was the bug for the crashes, because the xmlreader should ignore line ends anyway. Perhaps someone can send me an xml file, that crashes lazarus.


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