[lazarus] win32

Tony Maro tony at maro.net
Wed Apr 16 09:01:37 EDT 2003

Armin Diehl wrote:

> i tried to run lazarus on win32, it compiled fine (with fpc 
> 1.0.8-pre1). After starting lazarus.exe i get an empty message box 
> with caption "Free Pascal Sources not found" (they are in ..\fpcsrc 
> like on linux)
> After closing the box, the ide will start but nearly nothing works. 
> Even the main Menu has no functions, it opens but i.e. File Quit does 
> nothing.
> Any Hints ?

I had the same problem.  Haven't tried to readdress it, but apparently 
some people do actually have Lazarus working in Winblows.

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