[lazarus] compiling from CVS

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Tue Apr 29 18:38:13 EDT 2003

> Well the problem isn't requiring a compiler never released, the problem
> is a bug that's in 1.0.6 that causes a buffer to not resize properly,
> corrupting form files.
> And, 1.0.7 is released on the FPC site, just nobody has bothered to
> update the Debian packages apparently...

I tried to contact the maintainer once if he could test the newly updated
debian files. but i never got an answer back :(

> You don't want to run a buggy compiler do you? ;-)
> If you want a quick and easy tutorial on installing FPC for use with
> Lazarus check my website at:
> http://tony.maro.net/mod.php?mod=userpage&page_id=2
> I recently used these exact instructions to install 1.0.7 on a Debian
> distro.

Running 'make deb' as root in the top dir of fpc will also build the *.deb
packages as snapshot (0-<date> as debian version) in /usr/src

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