[lazarus] Newbie Questions

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Tue Aug 5 04:39:13 EDT 2003

This is an english list, and I guess not all of us understand spanish, so
I'll insert the online translated text here as wel.

+ From: Prof. Roberto A. Berrospe Machin
+ [mailto:binaryuniverse at binaryuniverse.com]
+ Sent: dinsdag 5 augustus 2003 3:01
+ Yo consegui compilar el ultimo lazarus que en realidad lo baje en rpm lo
+ descomprimi en linux y luego lo pase a windows, y me compilo sin ningun
+ problemas; pero no funciona bien, se cuelga al abrir el ide...

* I managed to compile the last lazarus who actually lowers it in rpm
* decompressed it in linux and then I spent it to windows, and I compile
* without no my problems; but it does not work well, is hung on having
* opened the ide...

OK, I've seen them both. The win32 version compiles and runs, but you can't
The GTK version compiles runs etc. but without any graphic. However I didn't
commit all needed changes yet.

+ Yo estoy haciendo un compilador basic gpl que usa como libreria grafica
+ lazarus y quiero hacerlo crossplataform. por eso estoy deseando que el
+ lazarus funcione 100% en windows, o al menos como en linux ;)

* I am making a compiler basic gpl that lazarus uses like graphical
* library and want to do it crossplataform. because of it am wishing
* that lazarus works 100 in windows, or at least like in linux;)

+ trate de compilarlo en windows usando gtk pero me da no mil, 500 mil
+ errores... es jodido compilarlo usando cualquiera de las dos maneras,
+ ninguna de las 2 funciona bien.. pero.. en algun futuro tendremos alguno
+ funcionando. :) ya probe la libreria wol y funciona muy bien en
+ windows y es
+ muy parecida al lazarus, pero el problema es que cuando quise
+ actualizar al
+ fpc1.0.10 wol compila pero despues al ejecutar cualquier aplicacion da
+ error.... :(

* try to compile it in windows using gtk but it gives me not thousand,
* 500 thousand errors ...


* it is fucked to compile it using any of two
* ways, none of the 2 works well .. but .. in some future we will have
* someone working.:) I already proved the library wol and it works very
* well in windows and is very similar to lazarus, but the problem is
* that when I wanted to update to fpc1.0.10 wol it compiles but later
* on having executed any application it gives error ....: (

Cant see why fpc 1.0.10 would give a problem, unless you've hit the bug
Michael was talking about.


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