[lazarus] Wrong note in windows: Lazarus source directory notset

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Dec 20 05:47:07 EST 2003

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 22:51:45 +0100  Vincent Snijders <vslist at zonnet.nl>

> Hi,
> Lazarus gives a wrong note: Lazarus source directory not set, even if it
> is set correctly. The reason is a difference in behaviour of the
> FileExists function. 
> Lazarus appends the directory seperator ('/' or '\' depending on the
> platform) to path given by the user. Under linux FileExists returns true
> for /my/lazarus/source/dir and /my/lazarus/source/dir/. Under windows
> c:\my\lazarus\source\dir returns true, but c:\my\lazarus\source\dir\
> returns false.
> IMO the most simple solution to solve this wrong not, would be storing
> the dir without the appended directory seperator, but I am not sure
> about the impact this would have for the rest of lazarus.

Probably none. The IDE trims and adds path delimiters as it needs. So,
deleting the path delimiter will neither break, nor fix it completely.

> There might be simplier solutions.

I think, the only solution is to check all fileexists if they should be
replaced by DirectoryExists. But there are a lot of places...


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