[lazarus] Patch for win32

Karl Brandt pascalive at bol.com.br
Wed Jan 1 11:27:52 EST 2003

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

>On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 18:15:22 -0200
>Karl Brandt <pascalive at bol.com.br> wrote:
>>Attached is a patch that improves TListBox/TComboBox in win32
>>It implements the properties Sorted, MultiSelect, ExtendedSelect and fix 
>>other issues.
>>It also cleans the recreatewnd interface code.
>Thx. Applied.
>>Togheter is a demo program i used to test the changes
>>Saying of TComboBox, the LCL doesn't notify to interface the 
>>CustomComboBox.Sorted state in CreateHandle. I propose to add in 
>>CreateHandle, after the creation of the interface StringList, a LM_SORT 
>>message to interface,maybe creating a UpdateSorted method, like in 
>>ListBox , so the interface can know/modify the design time Sorted state.

>>See TCustomListBox.GetSelected(Index : integer) : boolean;
>>  if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Items.Count) then
>>    raise Exception.Create('TCustomListBox.GetSelected: index 
>>      +' out of bound. Count='+IntToStr(Items.Count));
>>  if HandleAllocated then
>>   >> Result:= (CNSendMessage(LM_GETSEL, Self, @Index) >= 0) -> allways
>>   >true
>>  else
>>    Result:=clbiSelected in GetListBoxItemRecord(FItems,Index)^.Flags;
>>I don't know about the Gtk part but in win32 when a item is not selected 
>>it returns 0 otherwise >0.
>>So in win32 Result is allways True
>>It would not Result:= (CNSendMessage(LM_GETSEL, Self, @Index) > 0) the 
>>correct ?
>>Or we must check this in interface?
>Fixed for gtk. I hope it also work for win32.

>>Sometimes the main window(of a lcl app) stops to respond ,being 
>>necessary to switch to another window and get back to respond again.
>>Is someone getting the same problem?
>Not yet. Is this an old problem or a new problem?
In really  i don't use lcl  apps very often, i noticed this (under 
win32) while testing the changes i made three days ago ,so i can't 
assure it's a new problem or not :-(

Karl Brandt

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