[lazarus] compilation error

Jens During jensduring at freenet.de
Fri Mar 7 11:29:55 EST 2003

Hi all,

when I compile lazarus (from cvs) with fpc 1.07 I get the following error:

Assembling debugmanager
main.pp(831,36) Hint: Parameter ACOMPONENT not used
main.pp(854,36) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
main.pp(861,30) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
main.pp(861,52) Hint: Parameter ACTION not used
main.pp(870,35) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
main.pp(1085,35) Error: Method (variable) and Procedure (variable) are not 
main.pp(1085,35) Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable type of 
procedure(TCOMPONENT) of object;>" expected "<procedure variable type of 
procedure(TOBJECT) of object;>"

Jens During.

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