[lazarus] Crash after form show...

Tony Maro tony at maro.net
Wed Mar 19 09:11:06 EST 2003

Quite a bit actually.  You can download the project sources from:

I've pinned it down to a GTK focus problem related to the notebook
control.  It seems to be related to the focusing problem I reported on
Monday with controls that are on the notebook control.  It's as if the
GTK hooks are not able to figure out what control has focus when the
control is located on a tabpage.

If you look at the GTK output from the "calling .SetFocus" mail I sent
Monday, you'll see that Lazarus gets confused about what control has
focus and decides that a control is focused when GTK thinks that NIL is
focused (or something like that.)

If I comment out the hiding of the notebook control which happens during
the onshow event, the crash goes away.  My current workaround is to make
the notebook control one pixel tall instead of hiding it.


On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 08:23, Solerman Kaplon wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> what do you have on your onshow? paste the source, if possible...
> Connor

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