[Lazarus] Lazarus Directory Structure .

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 09:47:40 CEST 2008

On 8/5/08, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk <sanliturk at ttnet.net.tr> wrote:
> Dear Sirs ,
> I want to suggest a directory structure for Lazarus which
> will be constructed during installation of Lazarus .
> Justification :
> ( All of the directory examples are given with respect
>   to Windows and its directory symbols . )
> At present , Lazarus is installed in the C:\lazarus\ and
> its FPC in , as an example , C:\lazarus\fpc\2.2.2\ .
> This structure is NOT allowing presence of different
> Lazarus versions ( such as 0.9.24 - 2.2.0 ,
>                            0.9.25 - 2.2.0 ,
>                            0.9.25 - ... daily snapshots ,
>                            0.9.25 - 2.2.2rc1 ,
>                            0.9.25 - 2.2.2rc2 ,
>                            etc. .
>                   )
> to reside in the system simultaneously .
> Installing one is removing the another .
> This is definitely not true. I have 3 simultanious Lazarus installations on
my Windows PC.
Two of them I installed using the win32 installer, telling it to install in
different directories.
The third one I installed from SVN, then build it from comandline.

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