[Lazarus] TDBEdit shows 4 characters from a Char(1) field

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 13:40:42 CEST 2008

On 8/5/08, Martin Schreiber <fpmse at bluewin.ch> wrote:
>  > read up a bit more on utf-8 support in Firebird 2 - maybe FB has some
>  > strange behaviour.
>  >
> Firebird returns the storage size in bytes and not the character length as
>  field size. MSEgui DB components convert from utf-8 or the system encoding to
>  widestring while fetching the field data. The field character length is get
>  from Firebird metadata and applied to tmsestringfield as field size for 16
>  bit characters.

Thanks Martin. When I did a test with CHAR(2) and the Length was 8, I
figure it must be using bytes or something.  After that I found some
more information regarding this and confirming what you said.

Maybe SqlDB developers need to take a peak at MSEgui's DB code as
well.  Thanks again!

Thinking about this issue, it's going to cause quite an uproar in my
applications! Ummm...

>  You are right, this does not work for Klingon. :-)

After I finished learning German, I'm starting on Klingon!

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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