[Lazarus] Problem working with Params in TSQLQuery

Rodney Pont mlist4 at infohitsystems.ltd.uk
Mon Aug 18 11:02:12 CEST 2008

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 02:01:14 -0300, Eduardo Lopez wrote:

>The following query works well:
>    qry02.SQL.Clear;
>    qry02.SQL.Text:= 'select PASSWOR from USUARIOS where CODUSU = ' + 
>chr(39) + trim(pUsuario) + chr(39);
>    trn02.Active:=true;
>    qry02.Open;
>    ContrasenaDB:=qry02.FieldByName('PASSWOR').AsString;         // <-- 
>ContrasenaDB get the value from the query
>But this one don't get the value of 'PASSWOR':
>    qry02.SQL.Clear;
>    qry02.SQL.Text:= 'select PASSWOR from USUARIOS where CODUSU = :pCODUSU';
>    qry02.Params.ParamByName('pCODUSU').AsString:= trim(pUsuario);
>    trn02.Active:=true;
>    qry02.Open;
>    ContrasenaDB:=qry02.FieldByName('PASSWOR').AsString;        // <--- 
>ContrasenaDB is empty

The first one has quotes around the data string you are comparing
against, has the second one got the quotes too when it's passed to the

Regards - Rodney Pont
E-mail by PMMail - mlist4 at infohitsystems.ltd.uk

really weird out of context words courtesy of PMMail's spellchecker

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