[Lazarus] How to add your own 'New Project' template?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 09:01:28 CEST 2008

2008/8/18 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
> Since I am the implementor, I'm of course very glad to hear you say this :-)

Excellent work as always!

> But honest is honest, the idea I got from RemObjects, which uses
> a similar idea in Delphi. So only half the credit is mine :-)

You are not the first person to borrow ideas from others... GExperts
was a great source of ideas for me.  ;-)  The important thing is what
you do with those ideas!

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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