[Lazarus] Universal using of mailto:

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 14:29:11 CET 2008

2008/12/10 Ireneusz Wyglądała <kornisch at gmail.com>:
> So. I should use defines {IFDEF ... and two different methods for both OS?
> I had hopes that exist one universal way to use mailto: ?
> OK. I do it.
> Thanks a lot.

What I have done, is to abstract that those calls, so my application
doesn't need to contain the IFDEF's.  I have one "utilities" unit that
contains any IFDEF and *no* other place.

Something like the following

    -------[ MyCoolUtilitiesUnit.pas ]--------------
       {ifdef windows}
       {ifdef unix}

     functions SendEmai(....): integer;
       {ifdef windows}
         WindowsSendEmail(...);  //   <---  located in MyWindowsUtilities unit
       {ifdef unix}
          UnixSendEmail(...);  //  <--- located in MyUnixUtilities unit

So now anywhere in your application you can simply include the
'MyCoolUtilitiesUnit' in the uses clause and call SendEmail() -
without IFDEF. :-)

One can't always avoid ifdef's but you can limit them to a single unit
in your application.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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