[Lazarus] TBitmap unable to Load certain BMP files..

Sebastian Günther sguenther at gmx.de
Sat Feb 16 00:46:53 CET 2008

Dominique Louis schrieb:
> Hi all
>    I have the situation where a Delphi TBitmap class is able to load a 
> particular .bmp image while the LCL version of TBitmap throws an 
> exception.

What exception is it exactly? Can you tell the value of Exception.Message?

> Firstly is there a known issue with any particular types of Bitmap images?

I personally encountered problems when dealing with RLE compressed 
bitmaps, which are quite common. For example, the icon sets from GlyFX 
use RLE encoding, which Lazarus/LCL can not handle. I recently provided 
a patch, but the discussion about accepting this patch or not 
unfortunately has died.

> Secondly, is anyone already looking at improving Lazarus's TBitmap 
> compatibilities and if I were to send them the offending bitmap, would 
> that help in any way?

This would help very much; I think you can simply post your file to this 
mailing list, if it's not too huge.



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