[Lazarus] TSimpleIPC documentation

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 11:30:20 CET 2008

On 19/02/2008, Mattias Gärtner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:
> Yes, and I already started something. The problem is, that Lazarus and FPC comes
> with more than 130.000 identifiers (linux fpc 2.2.1) and that searching takes


> some time. The search time is mostly limited by the harddisk speed, so the
> first time the search can take a minute on slow systems. Of course the second
> time the codetools finds the identifier in a second on recent systems.
> So, I was thinking about this:
> When the find declaration fails the IDE pops up a progress dialog with a cancel
> button, running the code browsing to locate candidates.

So the first attempt uses the uses clause?  Second attempt will do the search.

I'm sure others will complain, but heres another though. :) What if
you do the search at Lazarus startup. After Lazarus started and loaded
it's first project, fire off a background thread (low priority) doing
the searching. While the developers starts finding his feet and starts
coding, Lazarus is collecting the lookup table (or whatever it needs)
in memory in the background.  Realistically, by the time the developer
is looking for help on something, everything is already loaded.  That
cache information could maybe even be saved to the hard drive so at
the next Lazarus startup the cache can be loaded from the hard drive
first, making the lookup loading even quicker.

I guess some people would prefer to have the background search thread
as a toggle option in Environment dialog.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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