[Lazarus] Need some help with UpdateSQL in TSQLQuery and TMySQL50Connection

Howard Lee Harkness howard.lee.harkness at gmail.com
Sat Jun 14 23:06:13 CEST 2008

I was able to get the Insert and Refresh buttons to work with code like

case Button of
 nbPost: SQLQuery1.Applyupdates;
 nbRefresh: begin SQLQuery1.Close; SQLQuery1.Open; end;

However, it doesn't seem to matter what I put in for nbDelete. I always get
the error "There are no fields found to generate the where-clause" if I do
ApplyUpdates for nbDelete. If I put nothing in there, the field appears to
be deleted, but it is still in the table, and comes back to the grid when I
press "refresh".

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Howard Lee Harkness <
howard.lee.harkness at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, I tried calling ApplyUpdates, and I did not detect any difference.
> Could you perhaps show me in the code below exactly WHERE I need to call
> ApplyUpdates?
> On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 5:00 AM, Joost van der Sluis <joost at cnoc.nl>
> wrote:
>> That's true. You have to call 'TSQLQuery.ApplyUpdates' Then all changes
>> in the local, in-memory changes-buffer are converted into
>> update/insert/delete statements and executed on the underlying database.
>> For those connections that do support transactions, you also have to do
>> TSQLTransaction.Commit(Retaining).
> unit Zipcode;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> interface
> uses
>  Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
>  mysql50conn, sqldb, db, DBGrids, DbCtrls;
> type
>  { TForm1 }
>  TForm1 = class(TForm)
>    Datasource1: TDatasource;
>    DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
>    DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator;
>    MySQL50Connection1: TMySQL50Connection;
>    SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery;
>    SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction;
>  private
>    { private declarations }
>  public
>    { public declarations }
>  end;
> var
>  Form1: TForm1;
> implementation
> initialization
>  {$I zipcode.lrs}
> end.
> --
> Howard Lee Harkness

Howard Lee Harkness
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