[Lazarus] Error compiling Lazarus with IDE_MEM_CHECK defined

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Tue Mar 11 16:17:09 CET 2008

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara schreef:
> I'm running win32 XP + fpc 2.2.0 + Lazarus svn 14494.
> If i run the following commands at Lazarus root folder:
> make clean
> make OPT="-dIDE_MEM_CHECK"
> I get the error:
> lazarus.pp(74,11) Fatal: Can't find unit MemCheck used by Lazarus

The heap manager of FPC 2.3 different from fpc 2.2
The MemCheck only supports the fpc 2.3 heapmanager. If you want to use MemCheck, you 
need to use fpc 2.3.


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