[Lazarus] 64bit -> 32bit cross compilation

Georg Vollnhals heliflyer at arcor.de
Sun Mar 16 16:37:31 CET 2008

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schrieb:
> I think 32-bits programs usually run on 64-bits systems, so you can
> just install free pascal / lazarus for 32-bits in your system and use
> them.
This might be a possibility for Sebastian Kraft, who asked.

I have the problem that I would like to share a Lazarus program compiled
to 64 and 32 bit and I am on an OpenSUSE 10.2 (10.3) 64bit Linux system
with a 64bit Lazarus snapshot installed.

It would be great to compile the sources either to 64 AND next step to
32 bit.
So I am asking the same as Sebastian did - is there any (easy) possibility?

Thank you very much for your time to answer this question.


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