[Lazarus] TMainMenu (Designer) Question

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Thu Mar 27 19:24:30 CET 2008

Lee Jenkins wrote:
> Is there something I'm missing about TMainMenu designer?  Specifically, there 
> doesn't seem to be a way to move menu items around from one menu to another.
> For instance, if I have the following:
> Menu1
>    |
>    |--SubMenu1
> Menu2
>    |
>    |--SubMenu2
> How can I move SubMenu2 under Menu1?  Currently it seems it is only possible to 
> move menu items around under their respective menus, but to another menu.
> Thanks!

As a follow up, I've notice that if I have several (in this case 6) top level 
menus on my TMainMenu, then the first top level menu does not show and cannot be 
accessed in the Menu Desginer:


Warm Regards,


"Everything I needed to learn in life, I learned selling encyclopedias door to 

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