[Lazarus] Mac OS X : Overnight build not compiling correctly with printing in project....

Bee bisma at brawijaya.ac.id
Tue May 13 07:51:09 CEST 2008

> On Mac OS X, if Printer4Lazarus is added to the project, it fails to 
> compile and throws an error at the top of cupsprinters.inc. The error is 
> "Illegal Expression". I'm using the 11/05 over night build.

I can confirm this with today svn update. This command

simba:laz-9.25 bee$ make all LCL_PLATFORM=carbon OPT="-k-framework 
-kcarbon -k-framework -kOpenGL -k'-dylib_file' 

gave me

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.3.1 [2008/05/13] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2008 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Darwin for i386
Compiling runtimetypeinfocontrols.pas
Assembling runtimetypeinfocontrols
22 lines compiled, 0.4 sec
make -C printers
/bin/rm -f lib/i386-darwin/carbon/printer4lazarus.ppu
/usr/local/bin/ppc386 -dUseCache -dNativePrint -dLCL -dLCLcarbon -S2 -gl 
-Fuunix/ -Fuwin32/ -Fucarbon/ -Fuqt/ 
-Fu/usr/local/share/lazarus/packager/units/i386-darwin/ -Fu./ 
-Fu/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/units/i386-darwin/rtl -Fiunix/ -Fiwin32/ 
-Ficarbon/ -Fiqt/ -Fi./ -FE. -FUlib/i386-darwin/carbon -k-framework 
-kcarbon -k-framework -kOpenGL -k'-dylib_file' 
-di386 printer4lazarus.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.3.1 [2008/05/13] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2008 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Darwin for i386
Compiling printer4lazarus.pas
Compiling printersdlgs.pp
Compiling osprinters.pas
cupsprinters.inc(4,1) Error: Illegal expression
cupsprinters.inc(4,6) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "identifier 
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[2]: *** [printer4lazarus.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: *** [bigidecomponents] Error 2
make: *** [bigidecomponents] Error 2

I couldn't resolve the errors since the line number info seems to be 
inaccurate. Line 4,1 of cupsprinters.inc is a comment block and there's 

Removing 'bigide' param gave me a working Lazarus with minimum component 
set. I'm using FPC 2.3.1 and Laz 9.25 from svn.


has Bee.ography at:

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