[Lazarus] embedding fomrs into forms

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at t-online.de
Sat May 17 16:27:53 CEST 2008

Am Samstag, den 17.05.2008, 16:34 +0300 schrieb
Kostafile:////home/marc/.evolution/cache/tmp/drag-n-drop-CzHRMD/Nachrichten_von_Lazaruss Michalopoulos:
> It is possible. Check the Lazarus Forum for a procedure i posted a while 
> back that embeds a form inside a TWinControl by reparenting the form 
> controls and keeping the form itself in memory so local (in form class) 
> variables will still work.

I'll do that, thanks.

> However currently it is not possible to use LCL with a DLL. I tried it, in 
> order to create a control from a DLL that will be used and it failed 
> (crashes, etc). I don't know enough about LCL internals to say why though.

Hmm, that makes the complete idea of plugins obolete somehow ...

Did you link your program against the dll or was the loading done
dynamically? (On *nix there is dlopen/dlclose and dlsym for dynamically
loading libraries, I don't know the windows equivalent of those)

Many thanks,

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