[Lazarus] Access a sqlite3 database from within a class

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Sat May 31 05:22:07 CEST 2008

. (...)
> What do I do wrong? Can anyone help me find a solution?
> With kind regards,
> Paul van der Vlis.
> (...)
> procedure TSchermpje.statusClick(Sender: TObject);
> var
>  MijnKlasje : TKlasje;
> begin
>  status.Text := 'creeren';
>>>>  MijnKlasje.Create;
>  status.Text := 'gecreeerd';
>  MijnKlasje.DoeIets;
>  status.Text := 'gedaan';
>  MijnKlasje.Destroy;
>  status.Text := 'klaar';
> end;
> initialization
>  {$I unit1.lrs}
> end.

You got the 'MijnKlasje' instantiation wrong - but I see you got the
others right ;-)
MijnKlasje.Create;  -->  MijnKlasje := TKlasje.Create;

Once again, does anyone know any explanation for this seemingly stupid
language design decision of Borland?
I hope the initialization/reset argument isn't true... Anyway, does
FPC really need to conform (or could I say 'abide'?) to it?


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