[Lazarus] Proposal for CreateMessageDialog() function

Reenen Laurie rlaurie at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 10:51:56 CET 2008

I would love to have the function... I didn't have time to test or try your
code though.

Also creating stuff that make Laz more compatible with Delphi is part of the
aim of Lazarus (even though it's improving in other areas beyond!).

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently Lazarus has no CreateMessagedialog function, whereas Delphi has.
> function CreateMessageDialog(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
> Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): TForm;
> This function returns the actual form of the messagedialog, and so
> gives the programmer access to all the controls on this dialog form.
> In Delphi 3 I used this to access the captions of the buttons and do
> an on the fly translation.
> Given that we Lazarus can use .po files to translae the
> resourcestrings for the captions, this is not necessary anymore.
> However, another use of this function is to add controls to the dialog
> form, thus creating customized message dialog variants.
> One example of this is adding a checkbox with a caption like "Don't
> show this dialog again", which is quit useful.
> (See
> http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c74/Talent111/devel/messagedlg_with_checkbox.png
> for an example of this)
> A long time ago I posted bugreport #0008186 on Mantis (Feature
> request: make it possible to add controls to MessageDlg()).
> At that time I was new to Lazarus, and saw no opportunity to
> accomplish the task myself.
> Lately however, browsing dialogs.pp (more specifically
> promptdialog.inc), I noticed that most of the work was already done.
> So my proposal is like this:
> Declare CreateMessageDialog in the interface of  dialogs.pp.
> Adjust promptdialog.inc more or less like this:
> function CreateMessageDialog(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
>                             Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): TForm;
> var PDlg: TPromptDialog;
>    aCaption: String;
>    Btns: PLongInt;
>    CancelValue, DefaultIndex, ButtonCount: Longint;
>    UseDefButton: Boolean; DefButton: TMsgDlgBtn;
> begin
>  if DlgType <> mtCustom then
>    aCaption := MsgDlgCaptions[DlgType]
>  else
>    aCaption := Application.Title;
>  UseDefButton := False;
>  Btns := GetPromptUserButtons(Buttons, CancelValue, DefaultIndex,
> ButtonCount,
>                               UseDefButton, DefButton);
>  DebugLn('CancelValue = ',ModalResToStr(CancelValue));
>  PDlg := TPromptDialog.CreateMessageDialog(aCaption, Msg,
> DialogIds[DlgType], Btns, ButtonCount, DefaultIndex);
>  Result := TForm(PDlg);
>  //??? Is this save to do????
>  ReallocMem(Btns, 0);
> end;
> A tipical use of this function would the be like:
> procedure TForm1.ShowBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
> var Dlg: TForm;
>    Res: TModalResult;
>    DT: TMsgDlgType;
>    Title,Msg: String;
>    Btns: TMsgDlgButtons;
>    i: Integer;
> begin
>  Title := TitleEdit.Text;
>  Msg := MsgMemo.Text;
>  case DTGroup.ItemIndex of
>    0: DT := mtCustom;
>    1: DT := mtError;
>    2: DT := mtWarning;
>    3: DT := mtInformation;
>    4: DT := mtConfirmation;
>  end;
>  Btns := [mbYes, mbNo, mbOK, mbCancel, mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore,
>           mbAll, mbNoToAll, mbYesToAll, mbHelp, mbClose];
>  Dlg := CreateMessageDialog(Msg,DT, Btns);
>  ...
>  DoSomethingWithTheDialogForm; //Add a checkbox for example
>  ...
>  try
>    Res := Dlg.ShowModal;
>  Finally
>    Dlg.Free;
>  end;
> end;
> Users should be aware that a Modalresult of -1 means that the Escape
> key was pressed.
> I'd really appreciate your suggestions and ideas on this one,
> especially on the "Is this safe to do" remark in my code.
> Bart
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,_.>/ _
...speed is good
I believe five out of four people have a problem with fractions.
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