[Lazarus] Performance of GTK 2 and CE

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Tue Nov 11 15:02:11 CET 2008

I'm glad there was a smiley in that message :-)

Aleš Katona wrote:
> If you don't like it there are basically 2 ways to go: go
 > elsewhere, or help make it better. Your choice.

This largely started because something wasn't working in gtk1, and I was 
told to use gtk2. Then I found out that gtk2 was only marginally usable.

Take the fact that I'm prepared to put in time trying to quantify the 
problem, and take the fact that the people I work for and with are 
prepared to tolerate that expenditure of time, as a commitment.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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