[Lazarus] KOL socketclient object

Kutlay Ozger kutlayozger at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 17:17:51 CET 2008

You must create components dynamically.
It works like this.

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

Do not add component on form.

2008/11/11 Usuario Anónimo <usuarioanonimomysql at gmail.com>

> If I put the unit lNetComponents in the uses onto KOL-CE application I get
> the run-time error: Project raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'.
> Why?
> This is my code:
> { KOL MCK } // Do not remove this line!
> {$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif}
> unit Unit2;
> interface
> uses Windows, Messages, KOL, lNetComponents {place your units here->}
> {$IFDEF LAZIDE_MCK}, Forms, mirror, Classes, Controls, mckCtrls, mckObjs,
> Graphics;
> {$ELSE} ; {$ENDIF}
> type
>   { TForm2 }
>   {$I MCKfakeClasses.inc}
>   {$IFDEF KOLCLASSES} TForm2 = class; PForm2 = TForm2; {$ELSE OBJECTS}
>   TForm2 = {$IFDEF KOLCLASSES}class{$ELSE}object{$ENDIF}({$IFDEF
>   Button1: TKOLButton;
>   Form: PControl;
>   KOLForm1: TKOLForm;
>   procedure Button1Click(Sender: PObj);
>   private
>   { private declarations }
>   LTCPComponent1: TLTCPComponent;
>   public
>   { public declarations }
>   end;
> var
>   Form2 {$IFDEF KOL_MCK} : PForm2 {$ELSE} : TForm2 {$ENDIF} ;
> Thank you very much, best regards.
> 2008/11/11 Aleš Katona <almindor at gmail.com>
> lNet non-visual can indeed be used anywhere BUT you need to understand the
>> concept of .CallAction (see docs at http://members.chello.sk/ales/docsand homepage at
>> http://lnet.wordpress.com) and that you'll need to integrate it into the
>> main loop somehow (either directly, or if you're using some sort of
>> widgetset then it might be possible to use that, but that's a bit more
>> complicated).
>> --
>> Aleš Katona <almindor at gmail.com>
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Kutlay Özger
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